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Organic and Inorganic fertilizers both have advantages in soil and agriculture although compared to organic, inorganic fertilizer has more disadvantages (Assefa, 2019). For one, it can harm the health of human beings. Synthetic fertilizers are most commonly used by farmers to increase their produce but in the downside, it generates more problem to the soil quality (Buckler, 2018). This prompted the researchers to develop FiCoPeaMadCa, an organic powder fertilizer from the pulverized combination of different fish scales found as a waste; coco peat, peanut shell, and Madre de cacao. An experimental research design was used in five different treatments and it was applied n Pechay plant and was observed in seven days at Daet Municipal Nursery. Five treatments were sent to Regional Soils Laboratory to test its physical and chemical properties resulting to a sufficient amount of macronutrients containing 3.61% Nitrogen, 49.52% Phosphorus but showed to be deficient in Potassium. Also, the physical properties such as 5.82% pH level was depicted to be slightly acidic and there is a significant result in water holding capacity. Treatment 2 showed the best result. ANOVA was utilized to determine the significant difference between treatments and revealed that the P-value is less than the standard alpha value 0.05, and the F-value of the plant height is greater than the F-critical, ergo, there is a statistically significant difference between the treatments used. Overall, FiCoPeaMadCa is considered as an effective Nitrogen and Phosphorus enhancer and with efficient water holding capacity.

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